- Many HD glam-core porn videos
- Sex stories, engaging articles, online shop
- Clean, appealing site design
- Mobile Support
- Few sorting options for videos
- Could use a forum is a site focused on women and empowering females where you can articles on different topics, read sex stories and submit your own, buy adult products from a boutique, and watch passionate and sensual glam-core porn in HD quality.
There are hundreds if not thousands of porn videos to watch here which last from a few minutes to fifteen or more. You can view them all in 360p, 480p or 720p quality, although there's no download option. They are divided into categories like sensual (soft), passionate (intense), rough (wild), anal, bondage, girl on girl, and guy on guy. Sources for the scenes include premium sites like SinfulXXX, SweetSinner, TheWhiteBoxxx, Sex Art, and Nubiles.
Apart from videos, Bellesa also offers its visitors a small collection of sex stories categorized into BDSM, non-binary, bisexual, gay, lesbian, kink, first time, and so on. On top of that, there's a blog section called the "Collective" where you can find engaging, well-written articles on the subject of sex, relationships, health, and culture. The final piece of the puzzle is an online store offering different sex toys, erotic novels from Bellesa Publications, and some t-shirts. is not an ordinary porn site, and it looks much better, even though it could use a few small improvements. Namely, the video section only has one filter (most recent), and you have to click to load more videos instead of having classic pagination, but at least the content is categorized, and you have a basic search feature. What we'd also like to see are more ways for users to interact besides the video comment section and some user-features like favorites.
A large and somewhat varied collection of glam-core porn in up to HD is the main selling point for Bellesa, but this website geared towards empowering women also has an excellent section for sex stories, an online shop, and many well-written articles.