- 58,000+ celebrity sex scenes
- Regular, daily updates
- Lots of HD and Full HD clips
- Buy time & unlock scenes
- Membership never expires
- No photos or screenshots
Premium site Celebrity Movie Archive offers many nude celebrity videos and sex scenes from TV shows and movies. It has grown into an impressive collection worthy of everyone's attention through 15 years of daily updates.
There are around 58,000 scenes here featuring 12,000+ celebrities, and over 1,300 GB of HD and Full HD video files available to members with more updates coming in each day. The content on CelebrityMovieArchive.com includes everything from make-out scenes to almost softcore porn from English or North American productions, but also steamy scenes from various foreign films, too.
As we mentioned earlier, this is a premium site and requires that you register and pay for content. Unlike other sites with recurring memberships, this one lets you buy a one-time pack of "seconds" (500 seconds - $2.95, 1250 seconds - $5.95, 2000 seconds - $8.95, 2500 seconds - $10.95, 5000 seconds - $19.92) and use them to unlock content permanently and then download whenever you want. These credits, as well as your membership, never expire.
The CelebrityMovieArchive site is simple and a bit outdated in regards to design. However, looking for content is easy as you can sort by scenes, names, movies & TV. Furthermore, there's an A-Z list for first and last names, movies & TV, and a basic search feature. There also a section with trending scenes and an "In Theaters" section where you can find a list of celebrities starring in current movies, as well as links to their nude scenes in other shows and films. The only thing we would add is a small thumbnail next to the list of celebrity names, so users can see whether a particular actress appeals to their tastes. Finally, there are a couple of ads on the site, but it's mostly clean.
It doesn't look the part, but the Celebrity Movie Archive has a vast collection of TV and Movie sex and nude scenes with lots of HD content, good sorting options, and a great membership model.