- 15,000+ amateur Indian porn videos
- Free downloads
- Mobile Support
- Lots of ads
- Almost no sorting options
If you have a sweet tooth for Indian, Pakistani, and Arab amateur porn, is going to be a tempting porn site to visit with its vast collection of Indian porn clips.
To be precise, the place has over 15,000 downloadable videos split into eight categories like Arab X, Indian Desi X, Pakistani Amateur, and Desi HD X. The videos seem to all be homemade and amateur with everything from teasing, stripping and posing to oral, blowjobs, cumshots, and fucking, while the ladies range in age from college girls to MILFs and matures. You can see aunties, girlfriends, and wives going at it in videos that are on average a few minutes long but can be anywhere from under a minute to 15 minutes or more. Despite the niche, the quality is pretty good on average, and we didn't come across any videos that were so low in quality that they were unwatchable.
Now while we have no real objections to the amount and quality of content here, the site design could be much better. First of all, prepare to see plenty of ads, and to close quite a few pop-ups while browsing and watching videos. Moreover, except for the somewhat confusing categories, a basic search feature and a small tag cloud, you don't have any other way to sort the content here, and no user features to favorite videos, rate, or comment videos. Lastly, the videos might take a bit longer to buffer in some cases.
The main draw of FreeHDx is in its 15,000+ amateur and homemade Indian porn videos which you can watch and download for free. However, it also has almost no sorting options or user features and bombards you with ads.